Contact Us
Box Office: 319-291-4494 (open Tues - Fri 11 am - 4 pm)
Business Office: 319-235-0367 (open Tues - Fri 11 am - 4 pm)
Costume Rental Shop: 319-232-4932 (Thursday 4 - 7 pm or by appointment only)
Board of Directors
(click on name to email)
Professional Staff
(click on name to email)
Alan Malone Associate Artistic Director
Anne Lange Office Manager
Dylan Tracy Production Manager
Mary Rekers Box Office Manager
JoLyn Lennox Box Office Specialist
WCP/BHCT Walker Building
Home of our administrative offices,
Costume Rental Shop and RJ McElroy Theatre
224 Commercial Street
Waterloo, IA 50701
Office Hours: Tuesday-Friday at 11 am - 4 pm
Costume Rental Shop Hours: Thursday from 4 - 7 pm or by appointment)
Waterloo Center for the Arts
Home to our Box Office and Hope Martin Theatre
225 Commercial Street
Waterloo, IA 50701